Hello everyone, thank you for visiting my website. As you can see, I am both a graphic designer and an artist. My passion lies in fostering creativity and engaging with the arts.
Allow me to share a brief story about my journey. I was raised in a small town in Dewey Beach, Delaware, where my love for the beach took root. Seeking to step out of the familiar confines of my hometown, I relocated to Arizona with the intention of pursuing a career in graphic design. My time in the desert has proven to be incredibly enriching. I've formed long-lasting friendships, reconnected with family, and embarked on journeys across the country I would never have experienced had I remained home. That chapter is merely the inception of my life's story, and I am eagerly anticipating the unfolding of the chapters that lie ahead.
I work with a range of mediums such as acrylic paint, pencil, and SketchUp on my iPad. I draw inspiration from artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenberg, who deeply resonate with me. My artistic expressions encompass two distinct styles: one characterized by minimalism and delicacy, while the other leans towards bold graphic elements, featuring vivid colors and prominent black outlines – akin to the essence of pop art.
My next endeavor involves moving to Pittsburgh with my fiance and my dog Frank. I am eager to explore the new road that lies ahead not only in my career but in my personal life as well. I look forward to establishing new connections with those who have come across my page! 

Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Painter

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